my guides walk into the clouds.....
good thing we have boots - they are standard issue here in the rain forest
we stayed with Miguel and his beautiful family. I made an instant friend with this lad when I gave him a zip lock bag - he actually skipped to school the day after, proudly with his school book in the waterproof container. The other kids will be so jealous.
hear the very primitive language of the Shuar talking aroung the campfire/living room
using a mashed plant and a stick, we decorated each other's faces. Not for everyday wear, but for special occasions and celebrations. This is my 'welcome to the jungle' face. Hey, why not, it was halloween!
a walk to the waterfall, it rained ALL day - the whole world was a waterfall. I let go, and became one with the rain forest. We held hands crossing rivers up to our chest, and were completely drenched - the ponchos were really just decoration. No photos with the good camera-had to keep it in the dry bag that day.
my guides pointed out lots of crazy plants. Some beautiful, some poisonous.
this one is the 'hair plant' ? (my guide didn't speak english - so it was mostly spanish, grunts and charades...) supposedly you mash up the bark and put it right on your hair - leave it in for a week if you can, to make your hair grow. Hmmm has anybody bottled this? They could make a fortune...
that's just a plant that looks like lips. He was always on the lookout for 'jungle accessories'
'Jungleman' we would call him, all of 21 years, lets a spider crawl on him, and this is his new wife. They are so cute together!
We visited his village, and she served me chicha. Traditionally made by the women spitting- it can be fresh or formented. Luckily it's not made that way anymore. I still had trouble choking down two whole bowls of this stuff to be polite. Had to drink another one at the next village, too. ug.
I actually ate lemon ants. Yes, live ants! You put them on your toungue, and they truely taste like lemon.
I had a cut on my finger from the day before, and now it was infected. I was thinking to myself that I had better get to a pharmacy when I get back to Banos. When I showed my guide, he found a tree, cut into the bark to reveal blood red sap, worked it into a irradescent balm, put it on my finger, and within 3 hours it was all better. What a great resourse the rain forest is that we are chopping down at an alarming rate!
the oil companies have discovered a pocked another 20 km from here. So they are carving up the hillside in order to put a big road through. When it rains, the right side of the river is red, and what a muddy mess this is creating. It's making it difficult for Miguel to fish and feed his family. I'm sure it's not in the companies plans to compensate any of the families living downriver for thier loss of livlihood.
I came out of the jungle on Nov 5th, so anxious to know who the next president of the United States was (president of the world they would half joke). I heard by word of mouth at this little bar/outpost - Final decision? verdad? I cried. I wanted to buy a beer to celebrate, but they had a big night the night before, and all I could get was some soggy Chips Ahoy cookies and some strange orange soda. My tears mixed with the red dirt and I experienced such a mix of emotions. Angry at the audacity of the oil companies (termite people) and fearful for all the nice families' futures I met while in the jungle, but on the other hand, I felt a great sense of hope, and was finally proud to be an American.